
My Books

Worldbuilding“Writing Fantasy (The Ultimate Guide and Complete Reference Book)” – Buy now: UK Amazon; US Amazon

Are you a fantasy author who wants to create more vivid worlds or give them greater depth? If so, this is the book you have been waiting for. Subjects covered include:

– How to create complex characters and an epic cast
– Detailed lists of intelligent fantasy beings from myths and the world of fantasy, including celestial and paranormal species
– How to create a celestial world and an underworld
– Planning a novel
– Ideas for plots, sub-plots, plot twists and book themes
– Twenty-seven individual sub-sections on creating every aspect of a fantasy culture, from its history and jobs to its level of technology
– Another five sub-sections on creating a planet, from geography to different realms to the effects of the sun(s) and moon(s) on the planet
– Seven sub-sections about every aspect of creating a magic system
– A list of fantasy creatures and how to create your own
– Find inspiration and add an extra layer to your writing by using real myths, legends, folktales, historical events and stories of the paranormal
– Eighteen detailed sub-sections on fantasy subgenres
– Ideas to help you market your books
– Twelve templates that you can use again and again every time you begin a new fantasy novel or series, that let you take the ideas in the book and turn them into something unique of your own
– The paperback version also includes more than one hundred illustrations

Amazon reviewers call “Writing Fantasy” ‘an amazing resource’ and a ‘great book’.


“A-Z of Fantasy Settings” – Buy now: UK Amazon; US Amazon or get for free by joining my email newsletter.

Do you need help thinking of memorable locations for your fantasy novels?

Fantasy writing involves juggling a lot of different elements and, with everything else to think about, it is easy to end up with dull settings that never come to life in the readers’ minds. The most successful fantasy novels tend to have locations and a world that remain in readers’ thoughts long after they have finished the book.

This book provides details of more than 150 settings you could use, including Faerie Realm, Ice PalaceCelestial RealmPirate ShipBattlefield, Standing Stones, Castle and having your characters end up Inside a Giant Creature. It includes descriptive details to help you create strong descriptions of these settings, related locations and plot ideas for how to use each setting in different fantasy sub-genres. It also lists the fantasy beings and creatures that might be found in the different settings.

If you would rather start with a fantasy sub-genre and see links to the locations that would work well in it, there is a separate section where you can do just that. For instance, if you write urban fantasy or steampunk you can see a list of interesting settings that would suit those sub-genres.

You will want to adapt the settings given to suit your world and make them unique. For this reason, templates are included at the back that you can use and reuse to create your own versions of the settings or make new ones. These also include a template for creating an entire fantasy world.

With “A-Z of Fantasy Settings” you will never again need to worry about making your locations stand out in readers’ minds. Get your copy now and start creating your best fantasy worlds today.

(The paperback version of this book is fully illustrated but please note that the e-book does not include these pictures.)


“Create Unforgettable Characters” – Buy now: UK Amazon; US Amazon or get for free by joining my e-mail newsletter

Do you struggle to create memorable, exciting characters for your novels?

This book is filled with more than two hundred lists that will give writers ideas for every aspect of making up characters and showing their body language and reactions for various emotions and situations. Put together words to describe your character with suggestions that include:-

  • The character’s purpose in the novel or story
  • Appearance: face shape; complexion, colour and condition; eye colour, expression and shape; shape of nose, mouth, eyebrows and chin; hair colour, condition and style; body shape and condition; type of clothes and footwear worn; size and condition of hands; foot type; perfumes and colognes
  • Voice: accent; way of speaking; type of language used including slang and words for the dialects of various countries, counties and states.
  • Mannerisms and Movements: posture; style of walk and run; type of smile and frown; type of gestures used
  • Personality: positive and neutral personality traits; flaws; traits that are appropriate to a variety of character archetypes; emotional state; beliefs; sexuality; strengths and weaknesses; loves and hates; hopes, fears and sacrifices; hobbies; bad habits; phobias
  • Life: job; home; pets; family and friends; criminal record; past life and education
  • Relationships: important people in the character’s life; best friends; relationship with family; how a friend or enemy would describe the character; how the character gets on with others; secrets; changes in behaviour depending who the character is talking to
  • The A-Z of body language to show different emotions
  • How personality affects conversation
  • How different types of relationships between characters will affect their dialogue

This book also includes blank templates for major and minor characters that writers can use for every character they plan.


“Puzzles for Writers” – Buy now: UK AmazonUS Amazon

Why struggle to improve your skills as a writer when you can having fun while learning? 

Whether you write stories, poems, novels or non-fiction and whether writing is your career or a hobby, this is the book you need. It will help you to improve your descriptions, vocabulary, characters, plots, spelling, punctuation and grammar. It will also let you learn more about theme, tone and figurative language in writing, along with how to conduct book research and do effective book marketing.

Achieve greater success with your writing through the entertaining method of solving popular puzzles such as word searches, crosswords, anagrams, logic puzzles and code words.

You can download free puzzles in Book Samples.


“Festive Puzzles for Writers” – Buy now: UK AmazonUS Amazon

If you’re intending to write a festive novel, poem, non-fiction book or story this book will give you all the information and inspiration you need to make it your best writing possible.  This second book in the series has another 100 puzzles, with facts and descriptive words about Christmas, Hanukkah, New Year’s Eve and many more festivals.  It also includes winter word collections using all 5 senses, non-fiction ideas, book marketing ideas and a great deal more.